Friday 7 July 2017

ED SHEERAN Defended by LADY GAGA after Trolls pushed him off Twitter

Lady Gaga is calling for peace among Little Monsters and Sheerios after Ed Sheeran spoke out about nasty online abuse.
Earlier this week, Sheeran told The Sun, “I’ve actually come off Twitter completely. I can’t read it. I go on it and there’s nothing but people saying mean things. One comment ruins your day.”

Among those who’ve targeted him? Diehard Lady Gaga fans.
“Lady Gaga’s fanbase read an interview in which they assumed I was talking about her and they all fucking hate. And it wasn’t anything to do with that at all,” Sheeran said.
If you thought Mother Monster was going to let that slide, think again. Gaga responded to Sheeran’s claims of abuse by posting an Instagram selfie of them together and encouraging her fans to behave better online.
“What an incredible talented artist I LOVE ED @edsheeran deserves all our love and respect like all humans do,” she wrote. “I wish all people on the internet would be positive and loving and apart of creating an online community that is kind and empowering, not hateful and mean. No reason to tear down an artist simply because they are on top. Work harder to be kinder everybody. That should be your first duty to humanity.”

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