Wednesday 13 July 2016

Obese woman who lost 13 stone has surgery to turn flaps of excess skin into DD boobs

Tanya before the weight loss 
A woman who shed half her bodyweight has had almost £50,00 of surgery to turn flaps of skin into DD boobs.
Tanya Benedict, 35, weighed a shocking 27 stone at her heaviest after bingeing on sugary snacks and McDonald's double cheeseburgers.
After countless failed diets, her doctor gave her HCG, a hormone which limits hunger, and a restricted intake of only 500 calories.
In two years, Tanya lost more than nine stone but struggled to lose more, suffering with crippling back pains and was still overweight.
In 2013, she had a gastric bypass, which helped her to get down to 14 stone but was devastated by the extreme amount of excess skin all over her body
The extreme weight loss left Tanya, from Yuma in Arizona, USA, without any breast tissue and she would fit her 'flaps of skin' into an A-cup bra.
Last September, she had more than two stone of loose skin removed from her stomach, back, bum, arms and thighs, as well as breast reconstruction surgery.
Now she's utterly unrecognisable in a slinky size 12 with double DD boobs.
Tanya, who works in childcare, said: "My excess skin hung everywhere, from my waistline to my back, to my thighs and my arms, even my bum had a four inch overhang of skin beneath my shorts.
"It was humiliating, I'd lost so much weight but was stuck with this horrible flab around my body.
"I couldn't do any activity whether it was jumping, running or dancing without having my excess skin and cellulite swinging and constantly moving.
"It was like being a flying squirrel - I tried to joke that I could fly by flapping my skin to make light of it, but it was devastating.
"Whenever I moved my arms they were really heavy because of the excess skin, even when I was doing kick boxing or throwing punches it slowed me down.
"I was carrying so much cellulite I was saggy everywhere, it just hung and would sway whenever I moved.
"Because I'd lost so much weight I was left without any breast tissue whatsoever, all I had was flaps of skin that I'd stuff into an A-cup.
"There was just nothing left at all, when I lifted the skin where my boobs should have been I could see my ribcage and I didn't feel like a woman."
"Before I'd always thought hitting 200lbs would be a celebration, but I was disgusted with how I looked, I felt absolutely gross, my excess skin would hang down.
"I'd struggled for so long to change my diet from eating mac and cheese, pizza, sweets, McDonalds - I never ate healthily and even when I bought salads I'd cover them in sauces and croutons.
"My doctor put me on HCG a hormone that tricked my body into thinking it wasn't starving and put me on a strict 500 calorie diet.
"Then after I had the gastric bypass, my stomach went from the size of a football to an egg."
more photos after cut.....................
Tanya Benedict's excess skin
 Tanya after the weight loss 
Tanya before the weight loss

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