Wednesday 6 July 2016

Mother says violent ex used disability benefits for £5k penis enlargement

The woman, identified only as Vanessa, says that former plumber Daniel Maxwell intimidated her into handing control over her finances, including the money she received in benefits for her bipolar disorder.
Vanessa, 34, said that as she struggled to feed her children, Maxwell used £5,000 to have two inches added to his penis.
‘Daniel insisted on changing my bank details so that the payments went straight into his account,’ she said.
‘He booked a penis enlargement operation and put down £1000 of my money as a deposit. He said he would need regular £100 top-ups after the op.’
Vanessa said that Maxwell subjected her to mental and physical abuse before she finally fled with her children, a six-year-old whose father is Maxwell and a 17-year-old from a previous relationship.
‘He became controlling and started losing his temper over little things,’ she said. She claims Maxwell used to blame his outbursts on insecurities about his penis.
‘He would often say that if ever a girl said that he had a small penis, he would kill her,’ she said.
In April 2013, Maxwell was jailed in Norwich for 15 months for punching a 40-year-old man 17 times. In February last year, he was jailed for 26 weeks for two assaults on Vanessa’s son. He was also banned from contacting the family.
In call Vanessa recorded in November, Maxwell tells her: ‘I don’t give a f*** if it takes me 30 years to get my own back with you. I’m gonna make you suffer.
‘I’ll do 10 years, I’ll do 20 years. I’m coming for you.’
He will be sentenced this month.

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